In this area you will find the WilsonstrasseFM podcast archive.
All programs that have been and are being launched via the castbox.fm podcast service are listed here. Since WilsonstrasseFM initially made all programs available via the same podcast, the best way to find your way around is as follows:
Use the search function with the magnifying glass at the beginning of the podcast's tab. You just have to type in your favourite program or media - the German title works! For example, you can find all episodes of the 'HTA Ringlecture' until the winter semester 2022/23. Or you can enter 'VST' and find all episodes of the show "Free VST of the Week" from WilsonstrasseFM's early days.
Have fun listening.
Broadcasts, formats, programs A - Z: Aktuelle Ikea Gutscheine | Das große Synthesizer-Überraschungskonzert | Free VST of the Week | Fun With Synthesizers |HTA Ringvorlesung | Being on Stage (Off the Record) | Macht ?! Theater | + 2020 - 2022 | Murmelbahn: Bedtime Stories for Adults | Plattedie_ | Prozessbeobachtung | Queer Ass TV | Radio Essay: Ruinen Löcher | You Only Slay Once | Your Pen in Your Eye | 8 Hours of Rest and Relaxation